miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008

Northern warriors - Magical Compilation Vol.I

#NORTHERN WARRIORS#Style: Medieval, Folk (neo / metal)...
#NORTHERN WARRIORS#Author: Raf Aredhenel
#NORTHERN WARRIORS#Releashed:9 july 2008
#NORTHERN WARRIORS#Cover: Raf Aredhenel

Aqui os presento una compilacion eclectica,la idea es simple,con musica folk,neofolk,darkwave y medieval principalmente,llevaros y permitir que soñeis despiertos y os trasladeis a otra epoca o pais,porque los metaleros no somos gente cerrada de cabeza,esta compilacion esta hecha para que disfruteis ya sea en una partida de rol,o relajandoos,o simplemente como he dicho soñando despiertos con buena musica.Tenemos grupos conocidos por la gente asidua del canal como kromlek,falkenbach,xiv dark centuries,elexorien,intercalando estilos y separandolos pequeñas piezas del grupo haggard,todas absolutamente todas las canciones estan escogidas para crear una atmosfera especial,algunas son danzas o canciones del s.xIII al s.XV(lo cual le puede dar mas valor aun a la compilacion,por ejemplo anon,propinan de meylor,renacimiento español de instrumentos de vientos,saltarello danza italiana del siglo 13-15,trotto una danza medieval de entre siglos 13-15).Disfrutadla y espero que os guste,lleva alguna sorpresa,deleite para vuestros sentidos..

Here you have an eclectic compilation, is a simple idea, with music folk(folk metal), neofolk, darkwave and medieval principally, to take and to allow you that you can dream awake and you can travel to another age or country, because the"metal people" we are not a squared-mind, this this made compilation in order that you enjoy already it,in a roleplaying, or relaxing, or simply since I have said dreaming awake of good music. We have groups known by the assiduous people of the channel as kromlek, falkenbach, xiv dark centuries, elexorien, inserting styles and them separating small pieces of the group haggard, all absolutly all the songs are chosen to create a special atmosphere, some songs are dance or songs of the s.xIII to s. XV (which can give (her) mas value even to the compilation) .enjoy and I hope that this compilation likes to you.

All songs have been chosen by Raf Aredhenel.
The cover is made by Raf Aredhenel.
This compilation is ready to burn on a 80 min CD.


1. XIV Dark Centuries - Suedwaerts (1:21)
2. Falkenbach - Heralder (5:12)
3. Haggard - Chapter III- Statement Zur Lage Der Musica (1:18)
4. Estampie - Seigneurs, sachiez (3:16)
5. Anon. - Propinan de Meylor (2:01)
6. Haggard - Chapter II- Saltorella La Manuelina (0:57)
7. Elexorien - Running with the wolves of war (4:17)
8. XIV Dark Centuries - Bardensang - Eschenhain (1:24)
9. Haggard - Menuett (1:21)
10. Trobar De Morte - La Princesa Dolca De Provença (6:27)
11. Ordo Funebris - Lycanthia (6:34)
12. Haggard - Gavotta In Si-Minore (1:00)
13. Estampie - Trotto (3:39)
14. DEAD CAN DANCE - Saltarello (2:36)
15. Haggard - Menuetto In Fa-Minore (1:17)
16. OF THE WAND & THE MOON - Raven Chant (3:49)
17. The Moon And The Nightspirit - Regö Reitem (5:44)
18. XIV Dark Centuries - Bardensang - Balderes volon (1:38)
19. Narsilion - Winds of Eternal Prophecies (4:49)
20. Trobar De Morte - The Sorceress (4:28)
21. Lupercalia - Pilgrim's Chant (3:29)
22. Blackmore's Night - Mond Tanz (3:33)
23. Haggard - Chapter V- Courante (1:12)
24. Kromlek - Hidden Track (2:18)
25. Haggard - Herr Mannelig (Short Version) (6:12)

DOWNLOAD > ShareOnAll (5 Servers )

7 comentarios:

  1. rafa cuando subas a shareonall marca siempre 5 servidores pq le cuesta lo mismo subirlo a 3 que a 5. Y si puedes hacer las covers cuadradas seria mucho mejor, tiene buena pinta a ver cuando la oiga.

  2. This compilation is completed? There is 28 tracks not 25... Music is great but all other not :/

  3. Thanks blackwhitewolf,i am uploading the 25th song of compilation,to shareonall 5 servers,i would like to know that song or things you like and others not.Really i wanted do several compilation with each style but maybe it would be far away of metal...so i decided mix all genres.
    I am interested in your opinion about this and another albums for i can know taste of people for upload.
    My mail:canholin@gmail.com

  4. OK now all is all right,compilation 25 songs in 5 servers

  5. Hi, I means mixing music is ok but problems is that: not all track have a good tags or dont have any, some track names is correct. So I think you should check all tracks before you upload it on server. And add cover because other compilations have it and that is better professional. This is my opinion ;) Greetings

  6. I think this is my favorite one of your compilations-- all the songs are really lovely :-D
