domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Kalevala - Кудель Белоснежного Льна

Recommended UPDATED!!!
Finalmente para todos vosotros aqui os traigo ese ansiado album, que me había empeñado en conseguir. Primer trabajo de esta gran banda Rusa lanzado ayer mismo 5 abril 2008 ;)

Style: Folk / Pagan Metal
Origin: Russia
Lyrics: Kalevala tales
Year: 2008


1. "Гой, Олень!"
2. "Камышовая Тропа"
3. "Ярило"
4. "Кудель Белоснежного Льна"
5. "Пастушок"
6. "Милый"
7. "Снега Белые Крыла"
8. "Речка к Реченьке"
9. "Там, Где Солнце Отправляется в Путь..."
10."Ты ж мене пiдманула"

DOWNLOAD > ShareOnAll (5 Servers)

______________[ Kalevala - Demo 2007 ]_____________________


1. цНИ, НКЕМЭ!

DOWNLOAD > Megaupload
thanks to Mr_Dee ;)

6 comentarios:

  1. How do you download from iFolder? I am logged in and see a ticket number for this album, but how do I download it? Thanks in advance.

  2. you have to click: сюда
    and then oe of the 8 links of ads and wait a bit and your download link will appear. other option is to use the USD downloader where only is needed to paste the link and the software to the rest.

  3. Thanks for the iFolder instructions. MetalArea has a demo posted for this band. Maybe someone would upload the album you are looking for if you request it.

  4. Is there any way I can get some translated track titles for this album? It'd be much much much appreciated because this band is badass.

  5. A great band...thank you :)

  6. I am considering purchasing an unlocked Iphone since I have Tmobile, and they don't get any of the cool phones. Does anybody know if I do this, will it work? Will I be able to use all the same Iphone features? Or will I have to keep updating it, etc?

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